ACE Hourly Data Parameters for Magnetospheric Driving

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This is a high-level data product deamed useful by some for studies of magnetospheric disturbances and solar wind turbulence. We are happy to provide it as a biproduct of our own research efforts, but we recommend that the user approach with care. This is NOT part of the standard ACE data routinely made available to the public as Level-2 products.


The data files provided here were created to assess magnetospheric disturbance drivers and their responses. However, they are also useful in performing analyses of interplanetary turbulence. The data files are evolving and we welcome comments and suggestions from interested potential users of the data product. In the interest of openness and with the hope of providing the best data product possible, we are also providing the source program for your examination.

We provide two data files with identical data formatting. Each computes a number of statistical quantities for the interplanetary magnetic field, wind velocity, density, and temperature over a one-hour period. See MAG Instrument and SWEPAM Instrument for complete descriptions of the instruments.

Both data files are based on hourly intervals of ACE data. The data clock is NOT set to the start of the hour in UT time, but is a simple 60-min average of the ACE 64-s data products. Both files contain means, 2nd-order, and 4th-order moments of the distributions internal to each 60-min interval along with two-parameter fits (amplitude and index) to 2nd-order structure functions.

The two files are distinguished by the use of detrending within the hourly interval used on some variables in the detrend data file.

Anyone using these data are invited to contact C.W. Smith at with any questions they may have.

Data Types:

Each hour of data contains several types of high-level data products. Data is first obtained by us in RTN coordinates most suitable for interplanetary studies as these define the coordinate system of the Parker spiral. Data has 64-second resolution.

  • Simple means and variances of data and products are computed based on one-hour subsets of the data.
  • The data is rotated into mean magnetic field coordinates as defined and used by Belcher and Davis (1971) and Bieber et al. (1996):
    x direction given by unit vector in B0 x (B0 x R)
    y direction given by unit vector in -B0 x R
    z direction given by mean field direction B0
  • Simple means and variances are again computed in rotated coord. system.
  • Second order structure functions are computed in both coordinate systems.
    • Maximum lags of 10 points = 640 sec are used.
    • Resulting structure functions are fit with amplitudes, indices, and uncertainties.
    • This is performed in both RTN and x,y,z coordinate systems.
    • We recommend against using density and temperature fits at this time as there is evidence of poor functional fits using powerlaws.
We provide data files processed in two different ways. One is a straightforward analysis as described above. The second detrends the data prior to analysis, retaining the mean magnetic field direction of the original 1-hr data interval. The former is a better description of the fluctuations that actually impact the Earth's magnetopause while the latter better describes the underlying turbulence.

Data Format:

The table below provides a listing of variables and their description. Each is based on a 1-hour data subset (57 points or fewer at 64-s resolution omitting badpoints) and no quantities are summed or in any way manipulated on larger time scales.

Variable Definition
iy1Year at start of 1-hour interval
t1Digital day at start of 1-hour interval
VswAverage wind speed over 1-hour interval
Vsw2Average square of wind speed over 1-hour interval
Vr_meanAverage R-component of wind speed over 1-hour interval
Vr_mean2Average square of R-component of wind speed over 1-hour interval
Vt_meanAverage T-component of wind speed over 1-hour interval
Vt_mean2Average square of T-component of wind speed over 1-hour interval
Vn_meanAverage N-component of wind speed over 1-hour interval
Vn_mean2Average square of N-component of wind speed over 1-hour interval
Va_meanAverage Alfven speed over 1-hour interval
Va_mean2Average square of Alfven speed over 1-hour interval
pTempAverage proton temperature over 1-hour interval
pTemp2Average square of proton temperature over 1-hour interval
pDenAverage number density of protons over 1-hour interval
pDen2Average square of number density of protons over 1-hour interval
betaAverage plasma beta for protons over 1-hour interval
beta2Average square of plasma beta for protons over 1-hour interval
zlambda_iiAverage proton ion inertial scale over 1-hour interval
zlambda_ii2Average square of proton ion inertial scale over 1-hour interval
BAverage IMF intensity over 1-hour interval
B2Average square of IMF intensity over 1-hour interval
Brms_meanAverage rms fluctuation of IMF over 1-hour interval summed over components
Brms_mean2Average square of rms fluctuations of IMF over 1-hour interval summed over components
Br_meanAverage R-component of IMF over 1-hour interval
Br_mean2Average square of R-component of IMF over 1-hour interval
Bt_meanAverage T-component of IMF over 1-hour interval
Bt_mean2Average square of T-component of IMF over 1-hour interval
Bn_meanAverage N-component of IMF over 1-hour interval
Bn_mean2Average square of N-component of IMF over 1-hour interval
B_squaredAverage square of IMF intensity over 1-hour interval
B2_squaredAverage square of IMF intensity variance over 1-hour interval
Br_mean_squaredAverage square of IMF R-component over 1-hour interval
Br_mean2_squaredAverage square of IMF R-component variance over 1-hour interval
Bt_mean_squaredAverage square of IMF T-component over 1-hour interval
Bt_mean2_squaredAverage square of IMF T-component variance over 1-hour interval
Bn_mean_squaredAverage square of IMF N-component over 1-hour interval
Bn_mean2_squaredAverage square of IMF N-component variance over 1-hour interval
Vsw_squaredAverage square of solar wind speed over 1-hour interval
Vsw2_squaredAverage square of solar wind speed variance over 1-hour interval
Vr_mean_squaredAverage square of solar wind velocity R-component over 1-hour interval
Vr_mean2_squaredAverage square of solar wind velocity R-component variance over 1-hour interval
Vt_mean_squaredAverage square of solar wind velocity T-component over 1-hour interval
Vt_mean2_squaredAverage square of solar wind velocity T-component variance over 1-hour interval
Vn_mean_squaredAverage square of solar wind velocity N-component over 1-hour interval
Vn_mean2_squaredAverage square of solar wind velocity N-component variance over 1-hour interval
VdotB_averAverage value of V,B fluctuations inner product
VdotB_aver_varStandard deviation of V,B fluctuations inner product
BanisoMean square fluctuation of IMF perpendicular to mean magnetic field over parallel
VanisoMean square fluctuation of velocity perpendicular to mean magnetic field over parallel
Structure Functions:Results derived from 2nd order structure function fits:
Btrace_AFit amplitude for trace IMF 2nd order structure function
Btrace_BFit index for trace IMF 2nd order structure functions
Btrace_sigmaAUncertainty to fit amplitude for trace IMF 2nd order structure function
Btrace_sigmaBUncertainty to fit index for trace IMF 2nd order structure functions
Vtrace_AFit amplitude for trace velocity 2nd order structure function
Vtrace_BFit index for trace velocity 2nd order structure functions
Vtrace_sigmaAUncertainty to fit amplitude for trace velocity 2nd order structure function
Vtrace_sigmaBUncertainty to fit index for trace velocity 2nd order structure functions
Tp_AFit amplitude for temperature 2nd order structure function
Tp_sigmaAUncertainty to fit amplitude for temperature 2nd order structure function
Tp_BFit index for temperature 2nd order structure function
Tp_sigmaBUncertainty to fit index for temperature 2nd order structure function
Np_AFit amplitude for density 2nd order structure function
Np_sigmaAUncertainty to fit amplitude for density 2nd order structure function
Np_BFit index for denisty 2nd order structure function
Np_sigmaBUncertainty to fit index for density 2nd order structure function
Bx_AFit amplitude for IMF x-component 2nd order structure function
Bx_sigmaAUncertainty to fit amplitude for IMF x-component 2nd order structure function
Bx_BFit index for IMF x-component 2nd order structure functions
Bx_sigmaBUncertainty to fit index for IMF x-component 2nd order structure functions
By_AFit amplitude for IMF y-component 2nd order structure function
By_sigmaAUncertainty to fit amplitude for IMF y-component 2nd order structure function
By_BFit index for IMF y-component 2nd order structure functions
By_sigmaBUncertainty to fit index for IMF y-component 2nd order structure functions
Bz_AFit amplitude for IMF z-component 2nd order structure function
Bz_sigmaAUncertainty to fit amplitude for IMF z-component 2nd order structure function
Bz_BFit index for IMF z-component 2nd order structure functions
Bz_sigmaBUncertainty to fit index for IMF z-component 2nd order structure functions
Vx_AFit amplitude for velocity x-component 2nd order structure function
Vx_sigmaAUncertainty to fit amplitude for velociyt x-component 2nd order structure function
Vx_BFit index for velocity x-component 2nd order structure functions
Vx_sigmaBUncertainty to fit index for velocity x-component 2nd order structure functions
Vy_AFit amplitude for velocity y-component 2nd order structure function
Vy_sigmaAUncertainty to fit amplitude for velocity y-component 2nd order structure function
Vy_BFit index for velocity y-component 2nd order structure functions
Vy_sigmaBUncertainty to fit index for velocity y-component 2nd order structure functions
Vz_AFit amplitude for velocity z-component 2nd order structure function
Vz_sigmaAUncertainty to fit amplitude for velocity z-component 2nd order structure function
Vz_BFit index for velocity z-component 2nd order structure functions
Vz_sigmaBUncertainty to fit index for velocity z-component 2nd order structure functions
Bx_A_rtnFit amplitude for IMF R-component 2nd order structure function
Bx_sigmaA_rtnUncertainty to fit amplitude for IMF R-component 2nd order structure function
Bx_B_rtnFit index for IMF R-component 2nd order structure functions
Bx_sigmaB_rtnUncertainty to fit index for IMF R-component 2nd order structure functions
By_A_rtnFit amplitude for IMF T-component 2nd order structure function
By_sigmaA_rtnUncertainty to fit amplitude for IMF T-component 2nd order structure function
By_B_rtnFit index for IMF T-component 2nd order structure functions
By_sigmaB_rtnUncertainty to fit index for IMF T-component 2nd order structure functions
Bz_A_rtnFit amplitude for IMF N-component 2nd order structure function
Bz_sigmaA_rtnUncertainty to fit amplitude for IMF N-component 2nd order structure function
Bz_B_rtnFit index for IMF N-component 2nd order structure functions
Bz_sigmaB_rtnUncertainty to fit index for IMF N-component 2nd order structure functions
Vx_A_rtnFit amplitude for velocity R-component 2nd order structure function
Vx_sigmaA_rtnUncertainty to fit amplitude for velociyt R-component 2nd order structure function
Vx_B_rtnFit index for velocity R-component 2nd order structure functions
Vx_sigmaB_rtnUncertainty to fit index for velocity R-component 2nd order structure functions
Vy_A_rtnFit amplitude for velocity T-component 2nd order structure function
Vy_sigmaA_rtnUncertainty to fit amplitude for velocity T-component 2nd order structure function
Vy_B_rtnFit index for velocity T-component 2nd order structure functions
Vy_sigmaB_rtnUncertainty to fit index for velocity T-component 2nd order structure functions
Vz_A_rtnFit amplitude for velocity N-component 2nd order structure function
Vz_sigmaA_rtnUncertainty to fit amplitude for velocity N-component 2nd order structure function
Vz_B_rtnFit index for velocity N-component 2nd order structure functions
Vz_sigmaB_rtnUncertainty to fit index for velocity N-component 2nd order structure functions
Vx_meanAverage of solar wind velocity in mean magnetic field x-component direction
Vx_mean2Variance of solar wind velocity in mean magnetic field x-component direction
Bx_meanAverage of IMF in x-component
Bx_mean2Variance of IMF in x-component
Vy_meanAverage of solar wind velocity in mean magnetic field y-component direction
Vy_mean2Variance of solar wind velocity in mean magnetic field y-component direction
By_meanAverage of IMF in y-component
By_mean2Variance of IMF in y-component
Vz_meanAverage of solar wind velocity in mean magnetic field z-component direction
Vz_mean2Variance of solar wind velocity in mean magnetic field z-component direction
Bz_meanAverage of IMF in z-component
Bz_mean2Variance of IMF in z-component
Vx_mean2Kurtosis of solar wind velocity in mean magnetic field x-component direction
Vy_mean2Kurtosis of solar wind velocity in mean magnetic field y-component direction
Vz_mean2Kurtosis of solar wind velocity in mean magnetic field z-component direction
Bx_mean2Kurtosis of IMF x-component
By_mean2Kurtosis of IMF y-component
Bz_mean2Kurtosis of IMF z-component

Data Files, Souce and Analysis Codes:

We provide the data in two forms:

In the first form the data is computed directly as described above with no additional manipulation. That data file is: THA.out available in ascii (181KBytes). It is the full data file, not broken up by year or in any other manner.

The second data file has the added benefit that variances and structure functions are computed after a third-order detrend of the hourly subset. This yields a truer evaluation of the variance and spectra for the turbulent fluctuations by removing the large-scale trends, but may be less useful in describing the fluctuations that impact the magnetopause. That data file is: THA_detrend.out available in ascii (181KBytes). It is again the full data file, not broken up by year or in any other manner.

We provide two codes used in the production and analysis of the data files made available here. Both are written in low-level, transportable Linux Fortran.

The source fortran code used to generate the above variables is turb_parms.for available in ascii (59MBytes).

The fortran code to read the above variables is read_tha_output_demo.for available in ascii (15KBytes). Note that this code will only read the output file and does not calculations. Those are for you to develop.

Other Useful and Relevant ACE Links:

The following links are useful in learning more about the ACE dataset:

Page Maintained by: Charles W. Smith -