The FAST spacecraft carries 4 instrument packages:
The spacecraft was built at the Goddard Space Flight Center. FAST is the second of NASA's Small Explorer (SMEX) missions. With its unique orbit through the auroral region (elliptical 400 x 4000 km and almost polar) and its capability to observe with very high resolution, it will ideally complement the Global Geospace (GGS) project in which different regions of the magnetosphere are scanned simultaneously. In particular, FAST will play together with POLAR, which will deliver the big picture, while orbiting overhead and providing a top view of the polar region. FAST was launched not from a solid rocket like many missions, but was instead lifted closer to orbit by an aircraft, after which the satellite was deployed. You can see some pictures of how the "second stage" was attached to the aircraft here. Here is a cartoon summary of TEAMS` principles of operation, and here is a schematic version. To learn more, read the instrument description paper, or watch the Time of Flight Detector Movie |
High Resolution Study of Auroras on the Fly
This interplay works like a giant electric generator which produces high electric fields and strong currents. In the course of these events, ions and electrons are accelerated to high energies. Energetic electrons, guided by the magnetic field, bombard the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere. Similar to what happens on a TV screen these electrons produce a colored display in the night sky, when they excite molecules in the air. (Schematic view of aurora and satellite orbit, 12.5 k Gif) The sheet-like structure of the auroras which is guided by the Earth's magnetic field is very thin (10 - 100 km), and thus a satellite passes different regions within seconds. Therefore, data have to be taken with extremely high time resolution to resolve the interesting spatial structures. |
Goddard Space Flight Center's FAST Page Recently, two high school students from the UNH SMART program explored the research involved with FAST and wrote a web page to summarize their involvement. Please check out their page. |