Links from UNH-ESPG Outreach

The Sun:
Yohkoh Public Outreach Project:
Movies, games, and other outreach materials for the Yohkoh x-ray telescope mission
The Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum at NASA/GSFC or UCB/SSL:
The Forum is a partnership between NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory. Their mission is to increase science literacy and steward Sun-Earth Connection science resources.
The education and public outreach effort of the NASA IMAGE satellite project. This outreach program will capitalize on the data from this spacecraft to create classroom activities and resources describing the Earth, the Sun and how they interact for the benefit (or detriment) of humans.
SOHO Explore:
Learn more about the Sun as seen through the keen eyes of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. Included at the site are: exercises, glossaries, activities, and lessons in solar science.
Space Environment Center from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
The Education & Outreach section of this site is excellent. It contains a "Solar Physics and Terrestrial Effects" curriculum guide as well as a guide for "Web Activities Using Scientific Data."
Cosmic and Heliospheric Learning Center:
Brought to you by the people at ACE at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), this site is designed to increase your interest in cosmic and heliospheric science. (The heliosphere is the huge area in space affected by the Sun.) It's an exciting subject to learn about, and science is constantly moving forward in understanding it.
Cosmic and Heliospheric Learning Center: Ask Us
A team of astrophysicists and research scientists are standing by to answer your questions about particles in the heliosphere. (This includes: composition; magnetic fields (including those of the Sun and Earth); cosmic rays; plasma; acceleration; the Sun; solar wind; solar activity; space weather; current events about cosmic rays and the heliosphere; and the history of cosmic ray and heliospheric studies)
Mission to Geospace: Probing the Sun-Earth Connection.
This site is brought to you by the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Program and NASA, and will teach you more about how and why physicists study the space around the Earth. Included at this site are easy-to-read articles and primers. This is a place to question and read about real scientists. There are numerous activities, images, and movies, as well as an extensive library of news items and articles about the latest and greatest discoveries from our neighborhood in space.

The Earth and Other Planets:
The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere:
This page is an overview of space research, concerned in particular with the Earth's environment in space. The description is non-mathematical but quite detailed, and geared toward many different levels of users.
Planetary Isocohedrons: Print out and build these photographic models of various bodies in our solar system. Free for educators to distribute; could be a fun classroom activity?

The Radio JOVE Project
Participants in this project build a small radio telescope. Radio Jove is an educational project to involve secondary school students in collecting and analyzing observations of the natural radio emissions of the planet Jupiter and the Sun. Participating students get hands-on experience in gathering and working with space science data.
International Jupiter Watch:
In late 1999 scientists and observers around the world will collaborate as a part of International Jupiter Watch and monitor Jupiter closely as Galileo crosses the orbit of Io several times. Ground-based observations are important at wavelengths not observable by Galileo and give a different perspective on the sources. Widely scattered observations help to overcome the variable filtering effects of the Earth's ionosphere. Thus students using simple, inexpensive radio receivers can participate in the scientific process by collecting, comparing, sharing, and analyzing data.
INSPIRE (Interactive NASA Space Physics Ionosphere Radio Experiments):
This program involves students in ionospheric observations through the building of special Very Low Frequency (VLF) receiver kits and making their own measurements.

General Astronomy:
Windows to the Universe:
Through this site, you can easily access Earth and Space Science content and related art and cultural information. It is a user-friendly learning system for the general pulbic. The site is a component of the Public Use of Remote Sentsing Data Program and is an on-going project and the University of Michigan. Funding is provided by Nasa.
Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado.
This site has lots of excellent information on education and outreach.
Imagine the Universe:
This site is a service of the High-Energy Astrophysics Learning Center at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. It is dedicated to a discussion about our Universe -- what we know about it, how it is evolving, and the kinds of objects and phenomena it contains. Just as important, it also discusses how scientists know what they know, what mysteries remain, and how we might one day find the answers to these questions.
StarChild: A learning center for young astronomers.
The StarChild site is a service of the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC), Dr. Nicholas E. White (Director), within the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics (LHEA) at NASA/GSFC.
Space Explorers:
Bringing the challenges and discoveries of an active space mission to students and the general public is the vision of Space Explorers, Inc., a privately-funded educational company working with the federal government, industry and academia.
NASA's "Quest":
This site is a huge resource of on-line activities, projects, and educational contacts. It is updated frequently, and features hot topics like women and minorities in science, as well as current NASA projects. Their page of links is also very helpful, and is broken up into several categories for better browsing.
Thursday's Classroom:
A " connection between NASA's latest research and the classroom environment" with lesson plans and information based on NASA research.

Addenda from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP):